Fungi Friday 🍄

a mushroom blog by Daniel Greenwood

Hen of the woods in London 🐔

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Dulwich, London, Friday 17th November 2023

Hen of the woods (Grifola frondosa) was one of the first polypores I learned, and the first time I saw it was in Dulwich. Fittingly, my first (and second) HotW of the year were in the same area.

This modest specimen was growing near to an oak in grassland. It’s usually growing against the base of oak rather than a distance away. Perhaps it is attached to a root. This species does affect trees but I don’t know to what degree that will be here.

Not too far away was a very large HotW. You can see the ‘fronds’ and the white pores in these photos. This is how close HotW usually grows to oaks.

Thanks for reading.

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